After 4 years being a part of a collection of headstrong and creative consultants forming the company Crisp, I have now left to become a regular employee at a big corporation. Covid-19 has not turned out to be a great thing for consultancies and having a small kid raised a need not only for an income, but also a stable work situation with predictable work- and commuting times.
During my time at Crisp, I was an occasional blogger. My posts were about UX or Agile software development and were published in Crisp’s blog. (The posts are still there and you can find them following this link.) Because it had been around for quite some time and some famous names had written in it, the blog had quite a few followers. This meant that I didn’t have to do much more than publish there for my posts to reach an audience. And now it means that if I write something now, I have to build an audience from scratch.
Before creating this blog where I’m now publishing, I thought quite hard about if I should use a platform like Medium or LinkedIn for distributing my thoughts in the future. The benefit of such platforms is that there already are people reading content there. The drawback is that you have much more limited control of what you publish. For that reason, I decided to set up a blog on my already existing website and, when I post something, market it in other social media channels.
So from now on, you will be able to find my thoughts and ideas here. I hope you will enjoy them. And, as if it is not obvious already, everything published here are my personal opinions and ideas and not any kind of representation of my employer.