Stockholm, Sweden


I have experiences from software and web as well as hardware development projects. I have shouldered multiple roles such as UX researcher and designer, sub project leader for hardware projects, technical writer, technical writer, educator, facilitator, product owner, and scrum master. Here are a few of the projects I’ve been involved in over the years.

Teddy bear hunt

An idea came up when working from home during the Corona crisis. This idea was made into something concrete using Lean Start Up methodology. Read more about the Teddy bear hunt project.

Wearable technology

Working closely with an industrial designer, a mechanical engineer and a dedicated team of hardware and software developers, I helped create a wearable eye tracker to be used for both commercial and scientific research by people all over the world. Read more about my role in the Tobii Pro Glasses 2-project.

Equipment for academic research

Developing an instrument to be used for academic research puts special requirements on the product. Especially if the research is to be done on small children. In this project, I did not only collaborate with a product development team, but also with developmental psychologists in both Sweden and the Netherlands. The result was a top of the line eye tracker used in research all over the world. Read more about my role in the Tobii Pro Spectrum-project.

SaaS instead of one time licenses

When introducing a new license system, it became clear that the current sales and delivery flow would not work. My job was to figure out what to do instead. This work involved learning not only about sales, but also about billing, legal requirements, CMS, ERP and delivery systems as well as the difficulties in pleasing the customer at the same as ensuring reoccurring revenue. Read more about my role in the SaaS-project.

Eye tracking software

As the Product Owner for a software with a remote development team, I learned a lot about collaborating over physical and cultural distances. As one of the first teams in the TobiiPro business unit, we got down from a 6 month delivery cycle to delivering every 4 weeks while actually improving the quality and stability of what was being delivered. And we got rid of the printed, outdated manual in favor of an up to date, online version. Read more about my role in the Tobii Studio-project.

SDK documentation and application design

When a new SDK was developed for the Tobii Pro eye trackers, there was a need for documentation as well as some supporting applications. For this, I got to do the information architecture of the documentation website, write some content, and design the first iteration of the new Eye Tracker Manager software. Read more about my role in the SKD project.